
About Me
Improving Your Business Marketing

When our business hit a major lull a few years ago, I knew that I needed to take a second look at our marketing tactics. It was frustrating, but I knew that I might be able to turn things around. We started working with a professional marketing agency, and they really helped us to improve our online presence. We were also able to build our brand locally, which really seemed to help. This blog is filled with great articles about how to market your business, and why you should spend the time focusing on advertising. You never know, it might save your business.


Why Small Business Owners Should Consider Free Classified Websites

15 January 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you are a small business owner looking for effective and affordable ways to put out the word out about your products and services, then free online ads could be just what you need. These ads can provide a unique channel for you to reach your target audience without a huge marketing budget that you would require for other forms of advertising, such as TV or published ads. Read on for the key benefits you could gain from online advertising. Read More …

Are You The Next Edison?: Three Directions Budding Inventors Can Take Aerospace Market Research And Product Development

15 January 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Thomas Edison was famous for creating hundreds of new items and bettering dozens of products already in existence. His ingenuity and perseverance are the models on which much research and development operates today. If you would like to start new research, produce and market a new product, or improve on an already existing product, one area you may want to consider as a budding researcher is aerospace. Here are three directions in which you can take your aerospace market research and product development (with help from professionals such as those from http://www. Read More …

Mobilize Your Small Business Marketing Plan

13 January 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Your small business is your baby, and you need to start treating it with some tender loving care. Mobile marketing is a great way to get the word out with very little cost or effort on your part. Here are some ways to make mobile marketing work for you. 1. Focus on Your Customers' Needs If you've decided to use text messaging or "SMS" marketing, make sure you're sending out information, coupons or discounts that will matter to them. Read More …

Game Time! 5 Simple Ways To Save Money On Sports Tickets

11 January 2016
 Categories: , Blog

So you want to go to a sporting event but you don't have a lot of money to spend on tickets. Before you think you're priced out of the fun, you should know that are some simple ways to score sports tickets without destroying your budget. Here are five easy ways to save money on the sporting events you want to see. Go It Alone Going as a group is a lot of fun. Read More …