Utilizing Whiteboards To Aid In Game Software

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When our business hit a major lull a few years ago, I knew that I needed to take a second look at our marketing tactics. It was frustrating, but I knew that I might be able to turn things around. We started working with a professional marketing agency, and they really helped us to improve our online presence. We were also able to build our brand locally, which really seemed to help. This blog is filled with great articles about how to market your business, and why you should spend the time focusing on advertising. You never know, it might save your business.


Utilizing Whiteboards To Aid In Game Software

19 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you are interested in creating and releasing a game, there is likely to be a learning curve for those who are interested in your download. When new games come out, some users will wait for tutorials and other learning methods before attempting to play. If you want to make sure that your game hits the ground running and will accommodate a wide audience, consider using whiteboard animation videos in order to aid in the use of your software. Here are some ways that whiteboard animation will help increase the popularity of your game system and increase help for your users. 

Integrate written and video tutorials

Some people prefer reading written instructions, while others like to see a hands-on tutorial. You can integrate a little bit of both when it comes to a whiteboard video. Explain how to begin and start up the game by starting with a written tutorial that features video graphics. By providing written and video tutorials inside of the software itself, it will make it easier for people of all ages and gaming skills to get started. Written instructions within a game also mean that there is less time spent searching around for answers online, which can frustrate users. 

Troubleshoot any issues

Troubleshooting is one of the most frustrating issues with a game. Instead of installing a read along manual, install whiteboard videos to go over what a person can do. This will allow the person to listen to the whiteboard video and perform the necessary actions in real time. For people who dislike having to search, memorize, then troubleshoot, this will be the option that they are looking for. Listening to the whiteboard will also aid those who have difficulty with reading small print or have trouble keeping up with reading through a screen. 

Use the same whiteboards to advertise

Using whiteboards in your marketing videos can help to introduce your game to the market. This is also a clever marketing tool, as the whiteboard in the commercials and advertisements will be in the game as well. Creating and releasing whiteboard animation videos is also cheaper than staging other commercials, as it is possible for a whiteboard to be completed in a short amount of time. As more people are plugged into the internet for daily use and prefer internet advertisements, going with an easy infographic as a whiteboard can work as an effective marketing tool.